Monday, August 23, 2010

Escape from the hospital part 2

Miriam  awoke to the sounds of distant groans, and forceful voices.
Her memory hazy, she found herself able only to recall her emotions - the feeling of losing, fear, self disappointment.
She was still in the hospital, still in this wretched uniform...
The others!  That's right.  Those two geri-atrics that got the drop on her.  Bastards.
She tried to move her legs, they were weak, but she had discipline.  It wouldn't be long before she could walk.
Something strange though.. Someone had clearly propped her up.  No other nurses around..  The instinct to cry out for help swept over her, but she bit her tongue, not sure  of what exactly happened, she decided it best not to give herself away.  Not until she could walk at least.

"I thought you said you could make him talk, Doc."
"Well, it would've been easier if you hadn't broken his wind pipe, lad.  Look in his eyes.  I can see it working on him already."
"Look at his eyes?!  The weasel's smiling at you doc."
"Exactly.  Now listen here man," this to the elderly man, "We don't have a lot of time, and I know it hurts to speak, but if you don't manage to answer coherently my friend here -'
"Osmond" the old man croaked out.
Mr. Mano and the doctor looked at each other for a moment.  Though unsettling, it came as no surprise that this man knew Mr. Mano's first name.
"Yes.  You know him," Dr. Grant said as more of a statement than a question, while the old man nodded his head in compliance.
"Tell us, what were your plans for the child."
Ariel gasped.  Osmond turned to see her holding the child, transfixed on the old man.  He motioned to get up, but she stayed him with a light hand gesture.
"Relax baby.  Let him talk." He sat back down.
"The child is in danger," the old man continued, "We came to bring him to a place where he could flourish."
"And what about us?" Osmond demanded vehemently,
"You have lives.  We could never expect you to leave them completely.  You're too much of a liability."
The effort to talk was clearly exasperating his speech.  Dr. Grant could see him slipping out of consciousness.  He gave him a quick shake, but the light in his eyes was growing dim.  Was it death creeping on him?  That would be too convenient.
"Look at me," Dr. Grant stared into his dulling eyes, "tell me where you were taking him."

'Tell him!  Tell him you bastard!  And tell him loudly!'  Eyes shut, playing possum, Miriam could barely keep from exploding.

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